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Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 1
Reset 7
Poké Radar 4
Random Encounters 1
SOS encounters 1
Hords 4
Ultra wormholes 5
Friend safari 1
Dex nav 3
Pêshe (6G) 26
Combo catch 1
Dynamax expeditions 1
Mass outbreaks 6
Not counted encounters Shinies
Shinies global stats
Ongoing 3
Owned 1348
Left 2
Failed 4
Redundents 163
Missing Shinies (with forms)
Generation 1 1 (1)
Generation 2 1 (18)
Generation 3 2 (3)
Generation 4 2 (9)
Generation 5 18 (22)
Generation 6 6 (24)
Generation 7 5 (6)
Generation 8 38 (38)
Generation 9 28 (31)
All generations total 101 (152)
Global stats for Mike
Owned badges 200 / 213
Registered since 2587 days
Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 1946
Reset 8874
Poké Radar 35
Random Encounters 3469
SOS encounters 1427
Hords 1106
Ultra wormholes 7
Friend safari 20
Dex nav 568
Pêshe (6G) 274
Combo catch 143
Dynamax expeditions 10
Mass outbreaks 9
Owned Shinies by version
Pokémon Y 184
Pokémon Omega Ruby 70
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 120
Pokémon X 146
Pokémon Sun 39
Pokémon Moon 17
Pokémon Ultra-Sun 218
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 68
Pokémon Shield 87
Pokémon Heart Gold 3
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 11
Pokémon Sword 23
Pokémon GO 5
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 2
Pokémon Shining Pearl 1
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 119
Pokémon Violet 183
Pokémon Scarlet 52
Owned Shinies by method
Masuda / Eggs 155
Reset 57
Pêshe (6G) 26
Poké Radar 2
Random Encounters 320
Friend safari 180
Hords 137
Dex nav 91
SOS encounters 204
Ultra wormholes 27
Dynamax expeditions 28
Combo catch 8
Raid (8G) 9
Unknown 1
Mystery box 3
Mass outbreaks 78
Massive Mass outbreaks 22
Max number of Shinies obtained by period
In 1 day
18/02/2018 16
In 1 month
03/2018 88
In 1 year
2018 377
Total encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 59363
Reset 86365
Poké Radar 39
Random Encounters 29448
SOS encounters 60318
Hords 20945
Ultra wormholes 12
Friend safari 28
Dex nav 11100
Pêshe (6G) 828
Combo catch 489
Dynamax expeditions 15
Mass outbreaks 15
Average encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 383
Reset 1416
Poké Radar 20
Random Encounters 614
SOS encounters 296
Hords 235
Ultra wormholes 6
Friend safari 4
Dex nav 126
Pêshe (6G) 92
Combo catch 61
Dynamax expeditions 3
Mass outbreaks 8
Total encounters by version
Pokémon Y 16707
Pokémon Omega Ruby 26926
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 26551
Pokémon Sun 9836
Pokémon Moon 14214
Pokémon Ultra-Sun 84514
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 21028
Pokémon X 4489
Pokémon Heart Gold 3070
Pokémon Crystal 2000
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 490
Pokémon Shield 30833
Pokémon Sword 12012
Pokémon Shining Pearl 3026
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 450
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 9250
Pokémon Violet 752
Pokémon Scarlet 2817
Average encounters by version
Pokémon Y 204
Pokémon Omega Ruby 508
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 263
Pokémon Sun 252
Pokémon Moon 836
Pokémon Ultra-Sun 408
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 376
Pokémon X 155
Pokémon Heart Gold 1023
Pokémon Crystal 2000
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 54
Pokémon Shield 605
Pokémon Sword 924
Pokémon Shining Pearl 3026
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 150
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 4625
Pokémon Violet 150
Pokémon Scarlet 352
Owned Shinies by generation
Owned Shinies by type
Evolution of owned Shinies during last shiny hunting years (10 maximum)
Owned Shinies by sex