563 Missing Shinies - Version Pokémon Écarlate - PIKATHERAYSER

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Bulbasaur #1
Ivysaur #2
Venusaur #3
Charmander #4
Charmeleon #5
Charizard #6
Squirtle #7
Wartortle #8
Blastoise #9
Ekans #23
Arbok #24
Pikachu #25
Raichu #26
Sandshrew #27
Sandslash #28
Clefairy #35
Clefable #36
Jigglypuff #39
Wigglytuff #40
Oddish #43
Gloom #44
Vileplume #45
Venonat #48
Diglett #50
Dugtrio #51
Meowth #52
Persian #53
Psyduck #54
Mankey #56
Primeape #57
Growlithe #58
Arcanine #59
Poliwag #60
Poliwhirl #61
Poliwrath #62
Weepinbell #70
Victreebel #71
Tentacool #72
Geodude #74
Graveler #75
Golem #76
Slowpoke #79
Slowbro #80
Magnemite #81
Magneton #82
Doduo #84
Dodrio #85
Seel #86
Dewgong #87
Grimer #88
Muk #89
Shellder #90
Gastly #92
Haunter #93
Gengar #94
Drowzee #96
Hypno #97
Electrode #101
Exeggutor #103
Hitmonlee #106
Hitmonchan #107
Lickitung #108
Koffing #109
Weezing #110
Rhydon #112
Chansey #113
Horsea #116
Scyther #123
Electabuzz #125
Magmar #126
Tauros #128
Gyarados #130
Lapras #131
Ditto #132
Eevee #133
Jolteon #135
Snorlax #143
Dratini #147
Dragonair #148
Dragonite #149
Chikorita #152
Bayleef #153
Meganium #154
Cyndaquil #155
Quilava #156
Typhlosion #157
Totodile #158
Croconaw #159
Feraligatr #160
Chinchou #170
Igglybuff #174
Flaaffy #180
Bellossom #182
Marill #183
Sudowoodo #185
Politoed #186
Skiploom #188
Jumpluff #189
Aipom #190
Sunkern #191
Sunflora #192
Wooper #194
Espeon #196
Murkrow #198
Slowking #199
Misdreavus #200
Girafarig #203
Pineco #204
Dunsparce #206
Gligar #207
Snubbull #209
Granbull #210
Qwilfish #211
Shuckle #213
Teddiursa #216
Ursaring #217
Swinub #220
Piloswine #221
Corsola #222
Delibird #225
Skarmory #227
Houndour #228
Houndoom #229
Phanpy #231
Donphan #232
Stantler #234
Tyrogue #236
Hitmontop #237
Elekid #239
Magby #240
Blissey #242
Pupitar #247
Tyranitar #248
Treecko #252
Grovyle #253
Sceptile #254
Torchic #255
Combusken #256
Blaziken #257
Mudkip #258
Marshtomp #259
Swampert #260
Poochyena #261
Mightyena #262
Lotad #270
Lombre #271
Ludicolo #272
Wingull #278
Pelipper #279
Ralts #280
Kirlia #281
Gardevoir #282
Surskit #283
Masquerain #284
Shroomish #285
Breloom #286
Slakoth #287
Vigoroth #288
Slaking #289
Makuhita #296
Hariyama #297
Nosepass #299
Meditite #307
Plusle #311
Volbeat #313
Illumise #314
Gulpin #316
Swalot #317
Numel #322
Camerupt #323
Torkoal #324
Spoink #325
Trapinch #328
Flygon #330
Cacnea #331
Cacturne #332
Swablu #333
Zangoose #335
Seviper #336
Barboach #339
Whiscash #340
Feebas #349
Milotic #350
Duskull #355
Dusclops #356
Tropius #357
Chimecho #358
Snorunt #361
Glalie #362
Beldum #374
Metang #375
Grotle #388
Torterra #389
Chimchar #390
Monferno #391
Infernape #392
Piplup #393
Prinplup #394
Empoleon #395
Starly #396
Staravia #397
Staraptor #398
Kricketot #401
Kricketune #402
Cranidos #408
Rampardos #409
Shieldon #410
Bastiodon #411
Vespiquen #416
Buizel #418
Shellos East form #422
Shellos West Form #422
Ambipom #424
Honchkrow #430
Chingling #433
Stunky #434
Skuntank #435
Bronzor #436
Bonsly #438
Happiny #440
Spiritomb #442
Gible #443
Gabite #444
Garchomp #445
Munchlax #446
Riolu #447
Hippopotas #449
Finneon #456
Magnezone #462
Lickilicky #463
Rhyperior #464
Electivire #466
Magmortar #467
Leafeon #470
Glaceon #471
Gliscor #472
Mamoswine #473
Gallade #475
Probopass #476
Dusknoir #477
Froslass #478
Snivy #495
Servine #496
Serperior #497
Pignite #499
Emboar #500
Oshawott #501
Dewott #502
Samurott #503
Blitzle #522
Zebstrika #523
Drilbur #529
Excadrill #530
Timburr #532
Gurdurr #533
Conkeldurr #534
Sewaddle #540
Swadloon #541
Leavanny #542
Petilil #548
Lilligant #549
Basculin Red Stripped #550
Basculin Blue Stripped #550
Sandile #551
Krokorok #552
Krookodile #553
Scraggy #559
Scrafty #560
Zorua #570
Zoroark #571
Minccino #572
Cinccino #573
Gothita #574
Gothorita #575
Gothitelle #576
Solosis #577
Reuniclus #579
Ducklett #580
Deerling Spring Form #585
Deerling Autumn Form #585
Deerling Summer Form #585
Deerling Winter Form #585
Foongus #590
Amoonguss #591
Alomomola #594
Joltik #595
Galvantula #596
Tynamo #602
Eelektrik #603
Axew #610
Fraxure #611
Haxorus #612
Beartic #614
Cryogonal #615
Mienfoo #619
Mienshao #620
Golett #622
Bisharp #625
Braviary #628
Mandibuzz #630
Deino #633
Zweilous #634
Hydreigon #635
Chespin #650
Quilladin #651
Chesnaught #652
Fennekin #653
Braixen #654
Delphox #655
Froakie #656
Frogadier #657
Greninja #658
Fletchling #661
Fletchinder #662
Talonflame #663
Scatterbug #664
Prismillon Fantaisie #666
Vivillon Icy Snow Pattern #666
Vivillon Polar Pattern #666
Vivillon Tundra Pattern #666
Vivillon Continental Pattern #666
Vivillon Garden Pattern #666
Vivillon Elegant Pattern #666
Vivillon Modern Pattern #666
Vivillon Marine Pattern #666
Vivillon Archipelago Pattern #666
Vivillon High Plains Pattern #666
Vivillon Sandstorm Pattern #666
Vivillon River Pattern #666
Vivillon Monsoon Pattern #666
Vivillon Savanna Pattern #666
Vivillon Sun Pattern #666
Vivillon Ocean Pattern #666
Vivillon Jungle Pattern #666
Vivillon Meadow Pattern #666
Pyroar #668
Flabébé Blue Flower #669
Flabébé Orange Flower #669
Flabébé White Flower #669
Flabébé Yellow Flower #669
Flabébé Red Flower #669
Floette Blue Flower #670
Floette Orange Flower #670
Floette White Flower #670
Floette Yellow Flower #670
Floette Red Flower #670
Florges Blue Flower #671
Florges Orange Flower #671
Florges White Flower #671
Florges Yellow Flower #671
Florges Red Flower #671
Skiddo #672
Gogoat #673
Espurr #677
Inkay #686
Malamar #687
Dragalge #691
Clawitzer #693
Sylveon #700
Dedenne #702
Carbink #703
Sliggoo #705
Goodra #706
Klefki #707
Bergmite #712
Avalugg #713
Noibat #714
Noivern #715
Alolan Rattata #19
Alolan Raticate #20
Alolan Raichu #26
Alolan Vulpix #37
Alolan Ninetales #38
Alolan Diglett #50
Alolan Dugtrio #51
Alolan Meowth #52
Alolan Persian #53
Alolan Gravaler #75
Alolan Golem #76
Rowlet #722
Dartrix #723
Decidueye #724
Litten #725
Torracat #726
Incineroar #727
Popplio #728
Brionne #729
Primarina #730
Pikipek #731
Yungoos #734
Gumshoos #735
Grubbin #736
Crabrawler #739
Cutiefly #742
Ribombee #743
Rockruff #744
Lycanroc Dusk Form #745
Lycanroc Midday Form #745
Lycanroc Midnight Form #745
Toxapex #748
Mudsdale #750
Dewpider #751
Lurantis #754
Salazzle #758
Bounsweet #761
Tsareena #763
Comfey #764
Oranguru #765
Passimian #766
Sandygast #769
Pyukumuku #771
Type:Null #772
Silvally #773
Komala #775
Turtonator #776
Togedemaru #777
Mimikyu #778
Bruxish #779
Écaïd #783
Kommo-o #784
Galarian Meowth #52
Hisuian Growlithe #58
Hisuian Arcanine #59
Galarian Slowbro #80
Galarian Weezing #110
Hisuian Typhlosion #157
Galarian Slowking #199
Hisuian Qwilfish #211
Hisuian Sneasel #215
Hisuian Samurott #503
Hisuian Lilligant #549
Hisiuan Zoroark #571
Hisuian Braviary #628
Hisuian Sliggoo #705
Hisuian Goodra #706
Hisuian Avalugg #713
Hisuian Decidueye #724
Thwackey #811
Rillaboom #812
Scorbunny #813
Raboot #814
Cinderace #815
Sobble #816
Drizzile #817
Inteleon #818
Skowvet #819
Greedunt #820
Corvisquire #822
Corviknight #823
Rolycoly #837
Carkol #838
Applin #840
Silicobra #843
Sandaconda #844
Cramorant #845
Arrokuda #846
Barraskewda #847
Toxel #848
Toxtricity (Low Key) #849
Toxtricity (Amped) #849
Sinistea #854
Polteageist #855
Hatenna #856
Hattrem #857
Hatterene #858
Morgrem #860
Grimmsnarl #861
Perrserker #863
Falinks #870
Pinchurchin #871
Snom #872
Frosmoth #873
Stonjourner #874
Indeedee #876
Cufant #878
Copperajah #879
Dreepy #885
Wyrdeer #899
Kleavor #900
Ursaluna #901
Sneasler #903
Overqwil #904
Paldean Tauros (Combat Breed) #128
Paldean Tauros (Aqua Breed) #128
Paldean Tauros (Blaze Breed) #128
Bloodmoon Ursaluna #901
Spirigato #906
Floragato #907
Meowscarada #908
Crocalor #910
Skeledirge #911
Quaxly #912
Quaxwell #913
Quaquaval #914
Lechonk #915
Nymble #919
Lokix #920
Compagnol #924
Maushold (Family of Three) #925
Maushold (Family of Four) #925
Fidough #926
Dachsbun #927
Smoliv #928
Dolliv #929
Squawkabilly (Green Plumage) #931
Squawkabilly (Blue Plumage) #931
Squawkabilly (Yellow Plumage) #931
Squawkabilly (White Plumage) #931
Nacli #932
Naclstack #933
Charcadet #935
Armarouge #936
Tadbulb #938
Ampibidou #939
Wattrel #940
Kilowattrel #941
Mabosstiff #943
Shroodle #944
Grafaiai #945
Bramblin #946
Toedscruel #949
Klawf #950
Capsakid #951
Flittle #955
Espartha #956
Tinkatink #957
Tinkatuff #958
Tinkaton #959
Wiglett #960
Wugtrio #961
Bombirdier #962
Finizen #963
Palafin #964
Varoom #965
Revavroom #966
Cyclizar #967
Orthworm #968
Glimmet #969
Houndstone #972
Flamigo #973
Cetoddle #974
Cetitan #975
Veluza #976
Dondozo #977
Annihilape #979
Farigiraf #981
Kingambit #983
Great Tusk #984
Scream Tail #985
Brute Bonnet #986
Flutter Mane #987
Slither Wing #988
Sandy Shocks #989
Frigodo #996
Arctibax #997
Baxcalibur #998
Gimmighoul (Roaming Form) #999
Gimmighoul (Chest Form) #999
Gholdengo #1000
Roaring Moon #1005
Poltchageist #1012
Sinistcha #1013
Archaludon #1018