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Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Reset 7
Dynamax expeditions 2
Combo catch 27
Masuda / Eggs 101
SOS encounters 23
Not counted encounters Shinies
Shinies global stats
Ongoing 2
Owned 344
Left 0
Failed 4
Redundents 47
Missing Shinies (with forms)
Generation 1 106 (106)
Generation 2 79 (104)
Generation 3 99 (99)
Generation 4 71 (78)
Generation 5 130 (133)
Generation 6 92 (92)
Generation 7 88 (88)
Generation 8 124 (130)
Generation 9 126 (126)
All generations total 915 (956)
Global stats for Thomas64
Owned badges 110 / 213
Registered since 181 days
Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Reset 10500
Dynamax expeditions 192
Combo catch 146
Masuda / Eggs 176
SOS encounters 480
Owned Shinies by version
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 37
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 1
Pokémon Ultra-Sun 44
Pokémon GO 20
Pokémon Shield 48
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 3
Pokémon Sun 2
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 61
Pokémon Violet 128
Owned Shinies by method
Reset 43
Mystery box 2
Random Encounters 74
Dynamax expeditions 37
Raid (8G) 7
Unknown 2
Combo catch 2
SOS encounters 16
Ultra wormholes 25
Masuda / Eggs 4
Mass outbreaks 104
Massive Mass outbreaks 24
Study reward 4
Max number of Shinies obtained by period
In 1 day
23/02/2024 38
In 1 month
02/2024 106
In 1 year
2024 213
Total encounters by method
Reset 72061
Dynamax expeditions 711
Combo catch 173
Masuda / Eggs 277
SOS encounters 2429
Average encounters by method
Reset 1638
Dynamax expeditions 79
Combo catch 87
Masuda / Eggs 139
SOS encounters 174
Total encounters by version
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 29199
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 10500
Pokémon Shield 711
Pokémon Ultra-Sun 34791
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 173
Pokémon Violet 277
Average encounters by version
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 1327
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 10500
Pokémon Shield 79
Pokémon Ultra-Sun 994
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 87
Pokémon Violet 139
Owned Shinies by generation
Owned Shinies by type
Evolution of owned Shinies during last shiny hunting years (10 maximum)
Owned Shinies by sex