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Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Not counted encounters Shinies
Shinies global stats
Ongoing 0
Owned 160
Left 0
Failed 0
Redundents 20
Missing Shinies (with forms)
Generation 1 136 (136)
Generation 2 117 (117)
Generation 3 125 (125)
Generation 4 89 (94)
Generation 5 150 (154)
Generation 6 90 (94)
Generation 7 106 (106)
Generation 8 133 (133)
Generation 9 93 (97)
All generations total 1039 (1056)
Global stats for Naegredir
Owned badges 57 / 213
Registered since 402 days
Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Owned Shinies by version
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 4
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 31
Pokémon Scarlet 125
Owned Shinies by method
Random Encounters 79
Poké Radar 1
Reset 3
Mass outbreaks 77
Max number of Shinies obtained by period
In 1 day
19/03/2023 13
In 1 month
12/2022 41
In 1 year
2022 80
Total encounters by method
Average encounters by method
Total encounters by version
Average encounters by version
Owned Shinies by generation
Owned Shinies by type
Evolution of owned Shinies during last shiny hunting years (10 maximum)
Owned Shinies by sex