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Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 5
Random Encounters 38
Friend safari 1375
Poké Radar 3
Hords 20
Reset 323
SOS encounters 29
Combo catch 85
Dynamax expeditions 135
Not counted encounters Shinies
Shinies global stats
Ongoing 0
Owned 135
Left 0
Failed 0
Redundents 1
Missing Shinies (with forms)
Generation 1 139 (139)
Generation 2 118 (118)
Generation 3 126 (126)
Generation 4 114 (114)
Generation 5 160 (160)
Generation 6 101 (101)
Generation 7 85 (85)
Generation 8 66 (73)
Generation 9 135 (135)
All generations total 1044 (1051)
Global stats for lulu43100
Owned badges 60 / 213
Registered since 1541 days
Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 2012
Random Encounters 2653
Friend safari 1375
Poké Radar 42
Hords 544
Reset 1648
SOS encounters 631
Combo catch 85
Dynamax expeditions 135
Owned Shinies by version
Pokémon Y 1
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 6
Pokémon Moon 1
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 31
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee 1
Pokémon Sword 83
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 11
Pokémon Violet 1
Owned Shinies by method
Masuda / Eggs 59
Random Encounters 31
Friend safari 1
Poké Radar 11
Hords 5
Reset 4
SOS encounters 22
Combo catch 1
Dynamax expeditions 1
Max number of Shinies obtained by period
In 1 day
1/01/1970 113
In 1 month
01/1970 113
In 1 year
1970 113
Total encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 23761
Random Encounters 25752
Friend safari 1375
Poké Radar 314
Hords 1076
Reset 4139
SOS encounters 3911
Combo catch 85
Dynamax expeditions 135
Average encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 403
Random Encounters 831
Friend safari 1375
Poké Radar 29
Hords 215
Reset 1035
SOS encounters 178
Combo catch 85
Dynamax expeditions 135
Total encounters by version
Pokémon Y 1375
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 1303
Pokémon Moon 631
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 5496
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee 85
Pokémon Sword 50410
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 314
Pokémon Violet 934
Average encounters by version
Pokémon Y 1375
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 217
Pokémon Moon 631
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 177
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee 85
Pokémon Sword 607
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 29
Pokémon Violet 934
Owned Shinies by generation
Owned Shinies by type
Evolution of owned Shinies during last shiny hunting years (10 maximum)
Owned Shinies by sex