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Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 12
Random Encounters 1
Friend safari 36
Poké Radar 8
Dex nav 5
Pêshe (6G) 10
Reset 1
SOS encounters 6
Not counted encounters Shinies
Shinies global stats
Ongoing 0
Owned 151
Left 0
Failed 1
Redundents 16
Missing Shinies (with forms)
Generation 1 135 (135)
Generation 2 109 (109)
Generation 3 111 (111)
Generation 4 100 (102)
Generation 5 144 (144)
Generation 6 90 (90)
Generation 7 95 (95)
Generation 8 131 (131)
Generation 9 135 (135)
All generations total 1050 (1052)
Global stats for ErisDoc
Owned badges 73 / 213
Registered since 1754 days
Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 1779
Random Encounters 13704
Friend safari 355
Poké Radar 47
Dex nav 244
Pêshe (6G) 78
Reset 21035
SOS encounters 287
Owned Shinies by version
Pokémon X 19
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 15
Pokémon Platinum 13
Pokémon Black 1
Pokémon White 2 10
Pokémon Soul Silver 4
Pokémon Sapphire 4
Pokémon Emerald 2
Pokémon Gold 1
Pokémon Silver 7
Pokémon Crystal 2
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 51
Pokémon Sword 20
Pokémon Shield 2
Owned Shinies by method
Masuda / Eggs 12
Random Encounters 39
Friend safari 3
Poké Radar 14
Dex nav 4
Pêshe (6G) 11
Reset 57
SOS encounters 11
Max number of Shinies obtained by period
In 1 day
12/01/2019 4
In 1 month
03/2019 18
In 1 year
2019 105
Total encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 3036
Random Encounters 66247
Friend safari 391
Poké Radar 546
Dex nav 351
Pêshe (6G) 369
Reset 132239
SOS encounters 1431
Average encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 253
Random Encounters 2007
Friend safari 196
Poké Radar 39
Dex nav 88
Pêshe (6G) 34
Reset 2280
SOS encounters 130
Total encounters by version
Pokémon X 1286
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 19061
Pokémon Platinum 8444
Pokémon Black 15965
Pokémon White 2 13801
Pokémon Soul Silver 13685
Pokémon Sapphire 11468
Pokémon Emerald 1855
Pokémon Gold 15067
Pokémon Silver 1962
Pokémon Crystal 21035
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 26158
Pokémon Sword 50593
Pokémon Shield 4230
Average encounters by version
Pokémon X 71
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 1271
Pokémon Platinum 768
Pokémon Black 15965
Pokémon White 2 1380
Pokémon Soul Silver 3421
Pokémon Sapphire 2867
Pokémon Emerald 1855
Pokémon Gold 15067
Pokémon Silver 280
Pokémon Crystal 21035
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 513
Pokémon Sword 2663
Pokémon Shield 2115
Owned Shinies by generation
Owned Shinies by type
Evolution of owned Shinies during last shiny hunting years (10 maximum)
Owned Shinies by sex