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Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 1
Random Encounters 1
Combo catch 2
SOS encounters 17
Dynamax expeditions 15
Raid (GO) 1
Raid (8G) 1
Study reward 1
Pêshe (6G) 5
Hords 300
Friend safari 5
Ultra wormholes 1
Mass outbreaks 1
Massive Mass outbreaks 1
Unknown 1
Poké Radar 8
Dex nav 1
Not counted encounters Shinies
Shinies global stats
Ongoing 0
Owned 1839
Left 4
Failed 12
Redundents 444
Missing Shinies (with forms)
Generation 1 0 (0)
Generation 2 3 (27)
Generation 3 2 (3)
Generation 4 8 (16)
Generation 5 42 (43)
Generation 6 16 (33)
Generation 7 28 (28)
Generation 8 38 (38)
Generation 9 27 (30)
All generations total 164 (218)
Global stats for Blueombre-Az
Owned badges 183 / 213
Registered since 1704 days
Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 1493
Random Encounters 439
Combo catch 200
SOS encounters 307
Dynamax expeditions 15
Raid (GO) 11
Raid (8G) 51
Study reward 1
Pêshe (6G) 97
Hords 300
Friend safari 1682
Ultra wormholes 11
Mass outbreaks 1000
Massive Mass outbreaks 31
Unknown 5
Poké Radar 80
Dex nav 352
Owned Shinies by version
Pokémon Diamond 1
Pokémon Y 63
Pokémon Omega Ruby 17
Pokémon Sun 42
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 51
Pokémon Black 2 1
Pokémon Sword 77
Pokémon GO 789
Pokémon X 66
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee 106
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 63
Pokémon Shield 2
Pokémon Crystal 5
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 196
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 38
Pokémon Violet 287
Pokémon Scarlet 34
Pokémon Moon 1
Owned Shinies by method
Random Encounters 974
Friend safari 60
Unknown 28
Hords 68
Masuda / Eggs 23
Pêshe (6G) 54
SOS encounters 41
Ultra wormholes 21
Reset 8
Combo catch 65
Study reward 32
Dynamax expeditions 25
Raid (GO) 41
Raid (8G) 23
Mystery box 4
Mass outbreaks 239
Massive Mass outbreaks 82
Poké Radar 34
Dex nav 17
Max number of Shinies obtained by period
In 1 day
1/01/1970 93
In 1 month
01/1970 93
In 1 year
2022 499
Total encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 8884
Random Encounters 3081
Combo catch 1905
SOS encounters 764
Dynamax expeditions 15
Raid (GO) 51
Raid (8G) 72
Study reward 12
Pêshe (6G) 317
Hords 300
Friend safari 1694
Ultra wormholes 15
Mass outbreaks 1105
Massive Mass outbreaks 184
Unknown 7
Poké Radar 1015
Dex nav 1055
Average encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 423
Random Encounters 14
Combo catch 32
SOS encounters 127
Dynamax expeditions 15
Raid (GO) 4
Raid (8G) 12
Study reward 1
Pêshe (6G) 40
Hords 300
Friend safari 565
Ultra wormholes 5
Mass outbreaks 39
Massive Mass outbreaks 4
Unknown 2
Poké Radar 30
Dex nav 151
Total encounters by version
Pokémon Y 38
Pokémon Sun 1034
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 525
Pokémon Black 2 1
Pokémon Sword 5822
Pokémon GO 356
Pokémon X 1691
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee 2184
Pokémon Crystal 4
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 1667
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 425
Pokémon Violet 5708
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 1015
Pokémon Scarlet 5
Pokémon Moon 1
Average encounters by version
Pokémon Y 13
Pokémon Sun 172
Pokémon Ultra-Moon 66
Pokémon Black 2 1
Pokémon Sword 253
Pokémon GO 5
Pokémon X 423
Pokémon Let's Go Eevee 25
Pokémon Crystal 1
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 111
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 4
Pokémon Violet 58
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 30
Pokémon Scarlet 1
Pokémon Moon 1
Owned Shinies by generation
Owned Shinies by type
Evolution of owned Shinies during last shiny hunting years (10 maximum)
Owned Shinies by sex