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Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 398
Random Encounters 1
Reset 51
Raid (8G) 1
Dynamax expeditions 1
Mass outbreaks 1
Raid Téracristal 1
Unknown 14
Not counted encounters Shinies
Shinies global stats
Ongoing 0
Owned 474
Left 0
Failed 0
Redundents 85
Missing Shinies (with forms)
Generation 1 101 (101)
Generation 2 66 (88)
Generation 3 97 (97)
Generation 4 44 (50)
Generation 5 126 (127)
Generation 6 82 (86)
Generation 7 87 (89)
Generation 8 79 (86)
Generation 9 89 (94)
All generations total 771 (818)
Global stats for Dorian
Owned badges 124 / 213
Registered since 1227 days
Record min encounters for one Shiny by method
Masuda / Eggs 1175
Random Encounters 3227
Reset 9682
Raid (8G) 29
Dynamax expeditions 426
Mass outbreaks 16
Raid Téracristal 1
Unknown 14
Owned Shinies by version
Pokémon Omega Ruby 1
Pokémon Sword 5
Pokémon Shield 193
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 3
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 201
Pokémon Scarlet 6
Pokémon Violet 65
Owned Shinies by method
Masuda / Eggs 5
Random Encounters 63
Reset 8
Raid (8G) 62
Dynamax expeditions 118
Mass outbreaks 100
Massive Mass outbreaks 113
Raid Téracristal 2
Unknown 3
Max number of Shinies obtained by period
In 1 day
21/09/2021 17
In 1 month
02/2022 94
In 1 year
2022 341
Total encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 2437
Random Encounters 7438
Reset 35492
Raid (8G) 154
Dynamax expeditions 4014
Mass outbreaks 192
Raid Téracristal 1
Unknown 14
Average encounters by method
Masuda / Eggs 812
Random Encounters 930
Reset 4437
Raid (8G) 12
Dynamax expeditions 103
Mass outbreaks 5
Raid Téracristal 1
Unknown 14
Total encounters by version
Pokémon Shield 44996
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 2113
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 195
Pokémon Violet 2438
Average encounters by version
Pokémon Shield 714
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 704
Pokémon Legends:Arceus 4
Pokémon Violet 610
Owned Shinies by generation
Owned Shinies by type
Evolution of owned Shinies during last shiny hunting years (10 maximum)
Owned Shinies by sex