Duplicates - Nidox

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Their missing Shinies... Their profile... Their stats... Their Shinies...

35 Pokémon for which you have a total of 59 duplicate Shinies
Bulbasaur #1
Image du pokemon Bulbasaur
2 Owned Shinies
Ivysaur #2
Image du pokemon Ivysaur
3 Owned Shinies
Charizard #6
Image du pokemon Charizard
2 Owned Shinies
Arbok #24
Image du pokemon Arbok
2 Owned Shinies
Pikachu #25
Image du pokemon Pikachu
2 Owned Shinies
Ninetales #38
Image du pokemon Ninetales
2 Owned Shinies
Jigglypuff #39
Image du pokemon Jigglypuff
2 Owned Shinies
Zubat #41
Image du pokemon Zubat
4 Owned Shinies
Golbat #42
Image du pokemon Golbat
2 Owned Shinies
Paras #46
Image du pokemon Paras
2 Owned Shinies
Venomoth #49
Image du pokemon Venomoth
2 Owned Shinies
Psyduck #54
Image du pokemon Psyduck
3 Owned Shinies
Growlithe #58
Image du pokemon Growlithe
2 Owned Shinies
Abra #63
Image du pokemon Abra
2 Owned Shinies
Machop #66
Image du pokemon Machop
2 Owned Shinies
Weepinbell #70
Image du pokemon Weepinbell
5 Owned Shinies
Tentacool #72
Image du pokemon Tentacool
2 Owned Shinies
Geodude #74
Image du pokemon Geodude
2 Owned Shinies
Ponyta #77
Image du pokemon Ponyta
4 Owned Shinies
Slowpoke #79
Image du pokemon Slowpoke
2 Owned Shinies
Magnemite #81
Image du pokemon Magnemite
3 Owned Shinies
Grimer #88
Image du pokemon Grimer
2 Owned Shinies
Gastly #92
Image du pokemon Gastly
2 Owned Shinies
Haunter #93
Image du pokemon Haunter
2 Owned Shinies
Exeggcute #102
Image du pokemon Exeggcute
2 Owned Shinies
Exeggutor #103
Image du pokemon Exeggutor
3 Owned Shinies
Cubone #104
Image du pokemon Cubone
3 Owned Shinies
Rhyhorn #111
Image du pokemon Rhyhorn
2 Owned Shinies
Rhydon #112
Image du pokemon Rhydon
2 Owned Shinies
Chansey #113
Image du pokemon Chansey
2 Owned Shinies
Magmar #126
Image du pokemon Magmar
2 Owned Shinies
Magikarp #129
Image du pokemon Magikarp
8 Owned Shinies
Gyarados #130
Image du pokemon Gyarados
8 Owned Shinies
Flareon #136
Image du pokemon Flareon
2 Owned Shinies
Dratini #147
Image du pokemon Dratini
2 Owned Shinies