Duplicates - kamiomura

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13 Pokémon for which you have a total of 28 duplicate Shinies
Meowth #52
Image du pokemon Meowth
2 Owned Shinies
Psyduck #54
Image du pokemon Psyduck
2 Owned Shinies
Mankey #56
Image du pokemon Mankey
3 Owned Shinies
Slowpoke #79
Image du pokemon Slowpoke
3 Owned Shinies
Magnemite #81
Image du pokemon Magnemite
3 Owned Shinies
Gastly #92
Image du pokemon Gastly
3 Owned Shinies
Voltorb #100
Image du pokemon Voltorb
2 Owned Shinies
Chansey #113
Image du pokemon Chansey
3 Owned Shinies
Scyther #123
Image du pokemon Scyther
2 Owned Shinies
Magikarp #129
Image du pokemon Magikarp
3 Owned Shinies
Eevee #133
Image du pokemon Eevee
9 Owned Shinies
Porygon #137
Image du pokemon Porygon
3 Owned Shinies
Dratini #147
Image du pokemon Dratini
3 Owned Shinies